Phase structure and phase transitions of the SU(2) x O(N) symmetric scalar field theory

Dec, 2006
11 pages
Published in:
  • EPL 79 (2007) 5, 51001

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0 Citations
Radiatively induced SU(2) symmetry breaking is shown to be a genuine feature of SU(2) x O(N) globally symmetric renormalisable field theories in the large N limit, describing interaction of a complex SU(2) doublet, O(N)-singlet field with an SU(2) singlet, O(N) vector. Symmetry breaking solutions are found even when all fields have positive renormalised squared mass. The emerging novel mechanism of symmetry breaking is relevant also for the extended Higgs dynamics of an SU(2) symmetric Gauge+Higgs model with parameters tuned into the range where the standard electroweak Higgs condensate and the Higgs mass are reproduced.
  • 12.38.Cy
  • 11.10.Gh
  • 11.10.Wx
  • Higgs mass
  • electroweak symmetry breaking
  • Dyson-Schwinger equations
  • large N approximation
  • gauge field theory: SU(2) x O(N)
  • Higgs model
  • electroweak interaction