Chern-Simons theory as the large mass limit of topologically massive Yang-Mills theory

Mar 2, 1992
59 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 381 (1992) 222-280
  • Published: 1992
Report number:
  • PAR-LPTHE-91-61,
  • DAMTP-91-34A,
  • NBI-HE-91-55,
  • UGMS-91-23

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
We study quantum Chern-Simons theory as the large-mass limit of the limit D →3 of dimensionally regularized topologically massive Yang-Mills theory. This approach can also be interpreted as a BRS-invariant hybrid regularization of Chern-Simons theory, consisting of a higher-covariant derivative Yang-Mills term plus dimensional regularization. Working in the Landau gauge, we compute radiative corrections up to second order in perturbation theory and show that there is no two-loop correction to the one-loop shift k → k + c v , k being the bare Chern-Simons parameter. In passing, we also prove by explicit computation that topologically massive Yang-Mills theory is UV finite.
  • 64 pages without figures (10 figures), DAMTP 91-34, LPTHE 91-61, NBI-HE 91-55, UGMS 91-23
  • gauge field theory: SU(N)
  • dimension: 3
  • mass: topological
  • topological: mass
  • Chern-Simons term
  • propagator
  • perturbation theory: higher-order
  • regularization: dimensional
  • invariance: Becchi-Rouet-Stora
  • ghost