Area law and continuum limit in 'induced QCD'

Jul, 1992
39 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 395 (1993) 547-580
Report number:
  • UBCTP-92-26,
  • ITEP-M6-92

Citations per year

We investigate a class of operators with non-vanishing averages in a D-dimensional matrix model recently proposed by Kazakov and Migdal. Among the operators considered are ``filled Wilson loops" which are the most reasonable counterparts of Wilson loops in the conventional Wilson formulation of lattice QCD. The averages of interest are represented as partition functions of certain 2-dimensional statistical systems with nearest neighbor interactions. The ``string tension" α\alpha', which is the exponent in the area law for the ``filled Wilson loop" is equal to the free energy density of the corresponding statistical system. The continuum limit of the Kazakov--Migdal model corresponds to the critical point of this statistical system. We argue that in the large NN limit this critical point occurs at zero temperature. In this case we express α\alpha' in terms of the distribution density of eigenvalues of the matrix-valued master field. We show that the properties of the continuum limit and the description of how this limit is approached is very unusual and differs drastically from what occurs in both the Wilson theory (S(TrU+c.c.)S\propto({\rm Tr}\prod U +{\rm c.c.})) and in the ``adjoint'' theory (STrU 2S\propto\vert{\rm Tr}\prod U\vert~2). Instead, the continuum limit of the model appears to be intriguingly similar to a c>1c>1 string theory.
  • gauge field theory: SU(N)
  • quantum chromodynamics: induced
  • Wilson loop
  • matrix model: Kazakov-Migdal model
  • any-dimensional
  • continuum limit
  • statistical mechanics
  • partition function
  • dimension: 2
  • invariance: Z(N)