Light cone parametrizations for Kahler manifolds
Apr, 199310 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 312 (1993) 285-290
- hep-th/9304132 [hep-th]
Report number:
- LPTENS-93-15,
- UT-639
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It is shown that, for any K\"ahler manifold, there exist parametrizations such that the metric takes a block-form identical to the light-cone metric introduced by Polyakov for two-dimensional gravity. Besides its possible relevence for various aspects of K\"ahlerian geometry, this fact allows us to change gauge in W gravities, and explicitly go from the conformal (Toda) gauge to the light-cone gauge using the W-geometry we proposed earlier (this will be discussed in detail in a forthcoming article).- gravitation
- dimension: 2
- field theory: Kaehler
- light cone gauge
- gauge field theory: W(N)
- differential geometry