Large N phase transition in continuum QCD in two-dimensions

May, 1993
16 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 319 (1993) 219-230
Report number:
  • LPTENS-93-20,
  • RU-93-17

Citations per year

We compute the exact partition function for pure continuous Yang-Mills theory on the two-sphere in the large NN limit, and find that it exhibits a large NN third order phase transition with respect to the area AA of the sphere. The weak coupling (small A) partition function is trivial, while in the strong coupling phase (large A) it is expressed in terms of elliptic integrals. We expand the strong coupling result in a double power series in e g 2Ae~{-g~2 A} and g 2Ag~2 A and show that the terms are the weighted sums of branched coverings proposed by Gross and Taylor. The Wilson loop in the weak coupling phase does not show the simple area law. We discuss some consequences for higher dimensions.
  • gauge field theory: SU(N)
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • dimension: 2
  • space-time: sphere
  • partition function
  • Wilson loop
  • expansion: weak coupling
  • weak coupling: expansion
  • expansion: strong coupling
  • strong coupling: expansion