Supersymmetry, shape invariance and exactly solvable noncentral potentials

Oct, 1993
16 pages
Published in:
  • Am.J.Phys. 62 (1994) 1008-1014
Report number:
  • IP-BBSR-93-65

Citations per year

Abstract: (desy)
\nd {\bf Abstract} Using the ideas of supersymmetry and shape invariance we show that the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a wide class of noncentral potentials can be obtained in a closed form by the operator method. This generalization considerably extends the list of exactly solvable potentials for which the solution can be obtained algebraically in a simple and elegant manner. As an illustration, we discuss in detail the example of the potential V(r,θ,ϕ)=ω 24r 2+δr 2+Cr 2sin 2θ+Dr 2cos 2θ+Fr 2sin 2θsin 2αϕ+Gr 2sin 2θcos 2αϕV(r,\theta,\phi)={\omega~2\over 4}r~2 + {\delta\over r~2}+{C\over r~2 sin~2\theta}+{D\over r~2 cos~2\theta} + {F\over r~2 sin~2\theta\, sin~2 \alpha\phi} +{G\over r~2 sin~2\theta\, cos~2\alpha\phi} with 7 parameters.Other algebraically solvable examples are also given.