Tree scattering amplitudes of the spin 4/3 fractional superstring. 1. The Untwisted sectors
Oct 25, 199344 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 49 (1994) 5326-5348
- hep-th/9310131 [hep-th]
Report number:
- IASSNS-HEP-93-57,
- CLNS-92-1176
Citations per year
Abstract: (desy)
Scattering amplitudes of the spin-4/3 fractional superstring are shown to satisfy spurious state decoupling and cyclic symmetry (duality) at tree-level in the string perturbation expansion. This fractional superstring is characterized by the spin-4/3 fractional superconformal algebra---a parafermionic algebra studied by Zamolodchikov and Fateev involving chiral spin-4/3 currents on the world-sheet in addition to the stress-energy tensor. Examples of tree scattering amplitudes are calculated in an explicit c=5 representation of this fractional superconformal algebra realized in terms of free bosons on the string world-sheet. The target space of this model is three-dimensional flat Minkowski space-time with a level-2 Kac-Moody so(2,1) internal symmetry, and has bosons and fermions in its spectrum. Its closed string version contains a graviton in its spectrum. Tree-level unitarity (i.e., the no-ghost theorem for space-time bosonic physical states) can be shown for this model. Since the critical central charge of the spin-4/3 fractional superstring theory is 10, this c=5 representation cannot be consistent at the string loop level. The existence of a critical fractional superstring containing a four-dimensional space-time remains an open question.- string model
- supersymmetry
- scattering amplitude
- algebra: conformal
- algebra: representation
- phase space
- operator: vertex
- operator: algebra
- analytic properties
- spin: 4/3
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