A Dynamical system connected with inhomogeneous six vertex model

Feb 10, 1994
21 pages
Published in:
  • Zap.Nauchn.Semin. 215 (1994) 178-196

Citations per year

A completely integrable dynamical system in discrete time is studied by means of algebraic geometry. The system is associated with factorization of a linear operator acting in a direct sum of three linear spaces into a product of three operators, each acting nontrivially only in a direct sum of two spaces, and the following reversing of the order of factors. There exists a reduction of the system interpreted as a classical field theory in 2+1-dimensional space-time, the integrals of motion coinciding, in essence, with the statistical sum of an inhomogeneous 6-vertex free-fermion model on the 2-dimensional kagome lattice (here the statistical sum is a function of two parameters). Thus, a connection with the ``local'', or ``generalized'', quantum Yang--Baxter equation is revealed.
  • Chelyabinssk 454080, pr. Lenina 78-A kv. 45, Russia
      • Funct.Anal.Appl. 15 22
      • Funct.Anal.Appl. 11 15