Conserved currents, consistency relations and operator product expansions in the conformally invariant O(N) vector model
Oct, 199445 pages
Published in:
- Annals Phys. 249 (1996) 180-221
- hep-th/9410093 [hep-th]
Report number:
- DAMTP-94-12
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We discuss conserved currents and operator product expansions (OPE's) in the context of a invariant conformal field theory. Using OPE's we find explicit expressions for the first few terms in suitable short-distance limits for various four-point functions involving the fundamental -component scalar field , . We propose an alternative evaluation of these four-point functions based on graphical expansions. Requiring consistency of the algebraic and graphical treatments of the four-point functions we obtain the values of the dynamical parameters in either a free theory of massless fields or a non-trivial conformally invariant vector model in , up to next-to-leading order in a expansion. Our approach suggests an interesting duality property of the critical invariant theory. Also, solving our consistency relations we obtain the next-to-leading order in correction for which corresponds to the normalisation of the energy momentum tensor two-point function.Note:
- 45 pages Latex + 2 uuencoded PostScript figures, DAMTP 94/12
- field theory: conformal
- symmetry: O(N)
- model: vector
- current: conservation law
- field theory: scalar
- n-point function
- Ward identity
- duality
- tensor: energy-momentum
- operator product expansion