Effects of D instantons
Jan, 199727 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 498 (1997) 195-227
- hep-th/9701093 [hep-th]
Report number:
- DAMTP-96-104
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Scattering of fundamental states of type IIB supergravity and superstring theory is discussed at low orders in perturbation theory in the background of a D-instanton. The integration over fermionic zero modes in both the low energy supergravity and in the string theory leads to explicit nonperturbative terms in the effective action. These include a single instanton correction to the known tree-level and one-loop interactions. The `spectrum' of multiply-charged D-instantons is deduced by T-duality in nine dimensions from multiply-wound world-lines of marginally-bound D-particles. This, and other clues, lead to a conjectured SL(2,Z) completion of the terms which suggests that they are not renormalized by perturbative corrections in the zero-instanton sector beyond one loop. The string theory unit-charged D-instanton gives rise to point-like effects in fixed-angle scattering, raising unresolved issues concerning distance scales in superstring theory.Note:
- 31 pages, 6 figures, Latex, Reference added, corrected coefficients in expansion of generalized Eisenstein series in equation 66 now agree with hep-th/9704145 Report-no: DAMTP-96-104
- 11.25.-w
- 11.25.Sq
- 04.65.+e
- D-instanton
- IIB supergravity
- Duality
- Fermionic zero-modes
- Point-like scattering
- string model
- supersymmetry