C algebras and their applications to reflection groups and conformal field theories

Apr, 1997
20 pages
Report number:
  • SACLAY-SPH-T-97-077

Citations per year

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The aim of this lecture is to present the concept of C-algebra and to illustrate its applications in two contexts: the study of reflection groups and their folding on the one hand, the structure of rational conformal field theories on the other. For simplicity the discussion is restricted to finite Coxeter groups and conformal theories with a sl^(2)\hat{sl}(2) current algebra, but it may be extended to a larger class of groups and theories associated with sl^(N)\hat{sl}(N). (Proceedings of the RIMS Symposium, Kyoto, 16-19 December 1996.)
  • to appear in the proceedings of the RIMS Symposium, Kyoto,16-19 December 1996
  • 19 pages, plain tex, 2 figures Report-no: SPhT 97/077
  • talk: Kyoto 1996/12/16
  • operator: algebra
  • group theory
  • field theory: conformal
  • dimension: 2
  • current algebra: SL(2)