Solitons and black holes

Jul, 1997
12 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 413 (1997) 274-280
Report number:
  • UNB-97-03

Citations per year

We explore the relationship between black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim(JT) dilaton gravity and solitons in sine-Gordon field theory. Our analysis expands on the well known connection between solutions of the sine-Gordon equation and constant curvature metrics. In particular, we show that solutions to the dilaton field equations for a given metric in JT theory also solve the sine-Gordon equation linearized about the corresponding soliton. Since the dilaton generates Killing vectors of the constant curvature metric, it is interesting that it has an analoguous interpretation in terms of symmetries of the soliton solution. We also show that from the Ba¨{\ddot a}cklund transformations relating different soliton solutions, it is possible to construct a flat SL(2,R) connection which forms the basis for the gauge theory formulation of JT dilaton gravity.
  • Substantial revisions in sections 4-5, Latex file, 13 pages. Typographical errors corrected; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B
  • gravitation: dilaton
  • black hole
  • sine-Gordon model
  • soliton
  • Baecklund transformation
  • symmetry: SL(2,R)
  • differential geometry
  • gauge field theory