Brane tensions and coupling constants from within M theory

Aug, 1997
11 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 421 (1998) 119-124
Report number:
  • TUM-HEP-289-97

Citations per year

Reviewing the cancellation of local anomalies of M-theory on R^10 x S^1/Z_2 the Yang-Mills coupling constant on the boundaries is rederived. The result is lambda^2 = 2^(1/3) (2 pi) (4 pi kappa^2)^(2/3) corresponding to eta = lambda^6/kappa^4 = 256 pi^5 in the `upstairs' units used by Horava and Witten and differs from their calculation. It is shown that these values are compatible with the standard membrane and fivebrane tensions derived from the M-theory bulk action. In view of these results it is argued that the natural units for M-theory on R^10 x S^1/Z_2 are the `downstairs' units where the brane tensions take their standard form and the Yang-Mills coupling constant is lambda^2 = 4 pi (4 pi kappa^2)^(2/3).
  • 11 pages, no figures, Latex2e, amsmath, amsfonts, typo in abstract corrected Report-no: TUM-HEP-289/97
  • field theory: M-theory
  • dimension: 11
  • anomaly
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • p-brane: 5
  • membrane model: tension
  • gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
  • coupling constant