Unification of the general nonlinear sigma model and the Virasoro master equation
Jun, 199718 pages
Part of New developments in quantum field theory. Proceedings, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-20, 1997, 79-95
Contribution to:
- hep-th/9708050 [hep-th]
Report number:
- UCB-PTH-97-41,
- LBNL-40648
Citations per year
0 Citations
The Virasoro master equation describes a large set of conformal field theories known as the affine-Virasoro constructions, in the operator algebra (affine Lie algebra) of the WZW model, while the Einstein equations of the general non-linear sigma model describe another large set of conformal field theories. This talk summarizes recent work which unifies these two sets of conformal field theories, together with a presumable large class of new conformal field theories. The basic idea is to consider spin-two operators of the form in the background of a general sigma model. The requirement that these operators satisfy the Virasoro algebra leads to a set of equations called the unified Einstein-Virasoro master equation, in which the spin-two spacetime field couples to the usual spacetime fields of the sigma model. The one-loop form of this unified system is presented, and some of its algebraic and geometric properties are discussed.- talk: Zakopane 1997/06/14
- sigma model: nonlinear
- master equation: Virasoro
- field theory: conformal
- dimension: 2
- Wess-Zumino-Witten model
- operator product expansion