It is well known that charges coupled to a pure Chern-Simons gauge field in (2+1) dimensions undergo an effective change of statistics, i.e., become anyons. We will consider several generalizations thereof, arising when the gauge field is more general. The first one is ``multispecies anyons''---charged particles of several species coupled to one, or possibly several, Chern-Simons fields. The second one is finite-size anyons, which are charged particles coupled to a gauge field described by the Chern-Simons term plus some other term. In fact, rigorously speaking, quasielectrons and quasiholes in the fractional quantum Hall effect are multispecies finite-size anyons. The third one is an analog of finite-size anyons which arises in a model with a mixed Chern-Simons term; notably, this model is P,T-invariant, which opens the way for practical applications even when there is no parity-breaking magnetic field.
  • talk: Jerusalem 1997/08/19
  • gauge field theory: U(1)
  • Chern-Simons term
  • dimension: 3
  • anyon: finite size