Duality, central charges and entropy of extremal BPS black holes

Sep, 1997
13 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 68 (1998) 185-196
Contribution to:
Report number:
  • CERN-TH-97-226

Citations per year

We report on some general results on the physics of extremal BPS black holes in four and five dimensions. The duality-invariant entropy-formula for all N>2N>2 extended supergravities is derived. Its relation with the fixed-scalar condition for the black-hole ``potential energy'' wich extremizes the BPS mass is obtained. BPS black holes preserving different fractions of supersymmetry are classified in a U-duality invariant set up. The latter deals with different orbits of the fundamental representations of the exceptional groups E7(7)E_{7(7)} and E6(6)E_{6(6)}. We comment upon the interpretation of these results in a string and M-theory framework.
  • 12 pages, LaTeX; Talk given by S. Ferrara at the STRINGS'97 Conference, 16-21 June 1997, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Report-no: CERN-TH/97-226
  • talk: Amsterdam 1997/06/16
  • black hole: entropy
  • dimension: 4
  • dimension: 5
  • duality: invariance
  • supergravity
  • supersymmetry
  • potential: energy
  • central charge
  • algebra: E(7)