Duality in Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg potential curve crossing

Aug, 1997
7 pages
Report number:
  • UT-791,
  • IU-MSTP-25

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0 Citations
It is pointed out that there exists an interesting strong and weak duality in the Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg potential curve crossing. A reliable perturbation theory can thus be formulated in the both limits of weak and strong interactions. It is shown that main characteristics of the potential crossing phenomena such as the Landau-Zener formula including its numerical coefficient are well-described by simple (time-independent) perturbation theory without referring to Stokes phenomena. A kink-like topological object appears in the ``magnetic'' picture, which is responsible for the absence of the coupling constant in the prefactor of the Landau-Zener formula. It is also shown that quantum coherence in a double well potential is generally suppressed by the effect of potential curve crossing, which is analogous to the effect of Ohmic dissipation on quantum coherence.
  • talk: Beijing 1997/08/19
  • quantum mechanics
  • potential
  • soliton
  • perturbation theory
  • approximation: semiclassical
  • duality