RCFT extensions of W(1 + infinity) in terms of bilocal fields

Oct, 1997
16 pages
Published in:
  • J.Math.Phys. 39 (1998) 5762-5771
Report number:
  • INRNE-TH-97-11

Citations per year

The rational conformal field theory (RCFT) extensions of W_{1+infinity} at c=1 are in one-to-one correspondence with 1-dimensional integral lattices L(m). Each extension is associated with a pair of oppositely charged ``vertex operators" of charge square m in N. Their product defines a bilocal field V_m(z_1,z_2) whose expansion in powers of z_{12}=z_1-z_2 gives rise to a series of (neutral) local quasiprimary fields V^l(z,m) (of dimension l+1). The associated bilocal exponential of a normalized current generates the W_{1+infinity} algebra spanned by the V^l(z,1) (and the unit operator). The extension of this construction to higher (integer) values of the central charge c is also considered. Applications to a quantum Hall system require computing characters (i.e., chiral partition functions) depending not just on the modular parameter tau, but also on a chemical potential zeta. We compute such a zeta dependence of orbifold characters, thus extending the range of applications of a recent study of affine orbifolds.
  • 16 pages, LaTeX2e (amsfonts), no figures
  • field theory: nonlocal
  • algebra: representation
  • field theory: conformal
  • field theory: rational
  • algebra: W(infinity)
  • operator: vertex
  • central charge
  • potential: chemical
  • orbifold
  • current algebra: U(1)**N