Renormalization group resummation of a divergent series of the perturbative wave functions of quantum systems
Jan, 199812 pages
Part of Nonperturbative QCD: Structure of the QCD vacuum : Proceedings, Yukawa International Seminar, YKIS'97, Kyoto, Japan, December 2-12, 1997, 459-470
Published in:
- Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131 (1998) 459-470
Contribution to:
- hep-th/9801196 [hep-th]
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Citations per year
The perturbative renormalization group(RG) equation is applied to resum divergent series of perturbative wave functions of quantum anharmonic oscillator. It is found that the resummed series gives the cumulant of the naive perturbation series. It is shown that a reorganization of the resummed series reproduce the correct asymptotic form of the wave function at when the perturbation expansion is stopped at the fourth order. A brief comment is given on the relation between the present method and the delta-expansion method, which is based on a kind of a nonperturbative RG equation.- talk: Kyoto 1997/12/02
- model: oscillator
- quantum mechanics: wave function
- asymptotic behavior
- renormalization group
- cumulant expansion
- delta expansion
- differential equations: solution
- bibliography