D = 11 supergravity revisited
Apr, 199812 pages
Part of Relativity, particle physics and cosmology. Proceedings, Richard Arnowitt Fest, College Station, USA, April 5-8, 1998, 1-12
Contribution to:
- hep-th/9805205 [hep-th]
Report number:
- BRX-TH-435
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I discuss two novel results in D=11 Supergravity. The first establishes, in two complementary ways, a no-go theorem that, in contrast to all D<11, a cosmological extension of the theory does not exist. The second deals with the structure of (on-shell) four-point invariants. These are important both for establishing existence of the lowest (2-loop) order candidate counter-terms in the theory proper, as well as for comparison with the form of eventual "zero-slope" QFT limit of M-theory.Note:
- To appear in 'Relativity, Particle Physics and Cosmology'
- talk: College Station 1998/04/05
- supergravity
- dimension: 11
- field theory: action
- astrophysics
- regularization
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