Tree structures, entropy, and action principles for neighborhood topologies

Nov, 1998
41 pages
Report number:
  • DAMTP-R-98-34

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0 Citations
Entanglement measures based on a logarithmic functional form naturally emerge in any attempt to quantify the degree of entanglement in the state of a multipartite quantum system. These measures can be regarded as generalizations of the classical Shannon-Wiener information of a probability distribution into the quantum regime. In the present work we introduce a previously unknown approach to the Shannon-Wiener information which provides an intuitive interpretation for its functional form as well as putting all entanglement measures with a similar structure into a new context: By formalizing the process of information gaining in a set-theoretical language we arrive at a mathematical structure which we call ''tree structures'' over a given set. On each tree structure, a tree function can be defined, reflecting the degree of splitting and branching in the given tree. We show in detail that the minimization of the tree function on, possibly constrained, sets of tree structures renders the functional form of the Shannon-Wiener information. This finding demonstrates that entropy-like information measures may themselves be understood as the result of a minimization process on a more general underlying mathematical structure, thus providing an entirely new interpretational framework to entropy-like measures of information and entanglement. We suggest three natural axioms for defining tree structures, which turn out to be related to the axioms describing neighbourhood topologies on a topological space. The same minimization that renders the functional form of the Shannon-Wiener information from the tree function then assigns a preferred topology to the underlying set, hinting at a deep relation between entropy-like measures and neighbourhood topologies.
  • Many typos corrected, points clarified, new sections and theorems added. This version to appear as invited contribution to the volume "Progress in Quantum Physics Research, Vol. II", ed. Frank Columbus, published by NOVA Science Publishers