D-branes and discrete torsion. 2.

Mar, 1999
25 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 09 (2005) 053
Report number:
  • RU-99-11

Citations per year

We derive D-brane gauge theories for C^3/Z_n x Z_n orbifolds with discrete torsion and study the moduli space of a D-brane at a point. We show that, as suggested in previous work, closed string moduli do not fully resolve the singularity, but the resulting space -- containing n-1 conifold singularities -- is somewhat surprising. Fractional branes also have unusual properties. We also define an index which is the CFT analog of the intersection form in geometric compactification, and use this to show that the elementary D6-brane wrapped about T^6/Z_n x Z_n must have U(n) world-volume gauge symmetry.
  • membrane model: D-brane
  • torsion: discrete
  • gauge field theory
  • orbifold
  • moduli space
  • membrane model: fractional
  • charge: quantization
  • string model
  • boundary condition
  • operator: marginal