D3-brane D instanton configuration and N=4 superYM theory in constant selfdual background
Mar, 199917 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 553 (1999) 231-249
- hep-th/9903091 [hep-th]
Report number:
- IMPERIAL-TP-98-99-44
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We consider SO(4) x SO(6) invariant type IIB string solution describing D3-branes superposed with D-instantons homogeneously distributed over D3-brane world-volume. In the near D3-brane horizon limit this background interpolates between AdS_5 x S^5 space in UV and flat space (with non-constant dilaton and RR scalar) in IR. Generalizing the AdS/CFT conjecture we suggest that type IIB string in this geometry is dual to N=4 SYM theory in a state with a constant self-dual gauge field background. The semiclassical string representation for the Wilson factor implies confinement with effective string tension depending on constant D-instanton density parameter. This provides a simple example of type IIB string -- gauge theory duality with clear D-brane and gauge theory interpretation.Note:
- 22 pages, harvmac; v2: important addenda: a discussion of T-duality in section 2, a new section 6 on D-string action and S-duality Report-no: Imperial/TP/98-99/44
- membrane model: D-brane
- membrane model: p-brane
- p-brane: 3
- supersymmetry
- supergravity
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- effective action
- Wilson loop
- instanton
- bibliography