NonAbelian generalization of electric - magnetic duality: A Brief review
Apr, 199938 pages
Published in:
- Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 14 (1999) 2139-2172
- hep-th/9904102 [hep-th]
Report number:
- RAL-TR-1999-014
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A loop space formulation of Yang-Mills theory high-lighting the significance of monopoles for the existence of gauge potentials is used to derive a generalization of electric-magnetic duality to the nonabelian theory. The result implies that the gauge symmetry is doubled from SU(N) to , while the physical degrees of freedom remain the same, so that the theory can be described in terms of either the usual Yang-Mills potential or its dual . Nonabelian `electric' charges appear as sources of but as monopoles of , while their `magnetic' counterparts appear as monopoles of but sources of . Although these results have been derived only for classical fields, it is shown for the quantum theory that the Dirac phase factors (or Wilson loops) constructed out of and satisfy the 't Hooft commutation relations, so that his results on confinement apply. Hence one concludes, in particular, that since colour SU(3) is confined then dual colour is broken. Such predictions can lead to many very interesting physical consequences which are explored in a companion paper.- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- duality
- loop space
- confinement
- magnetic monopole
- topology
- electromagnetic field
- gauge field theory: SU(N) x SU(N)