We review the recent developments in our understanding of non-BPS states and branes in string theory. The topics include 1) construction of unstable non-BPS D-branes in type IIA and type IIB string theories, 2) construction of stable non-BPS D-branes on various orbifolds and orientifolds of type II string theories, 3) description of BPS and non-BPS D-branes as tachyonic soliton solutions on brane-antibrane pair of higher dimension, and 4) study of the spectrum of non-BPS states and branes on a system of coincident D-brane - orientifold plane system. Some other related results are also discussed briefly.
  • LaTeX file, epsf, 53 pages, 17 figures, APCTP winter school lectures Report-no: MRI-PHY/P990411
  • inspirereview:I-f-4
  • lectures: Cheju Island 1999/01/25
  • string model
  • supersymmetry
  • membrane model: D-brane
  • soliton
  • phase space
  • boundary condition
  • bibliography