Beta functions of orbifold theories and the hierarchy problem
Jun, 1999
20 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 61 (2000) 025019
- hep-th/9906057 [hep-th]
Report number:
- LBNL-43423,
- UCB-PTH-99-27,
- UCSD-PTH-99-07,
- LBL-43423
Citations per year
We examine a class of gauge theories obtained by projecting out certain fields from an N=4 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory. These theories are non-supersymmetric and in the large N limit are known to be conformal. Recently it was proposed that the hierarchy problem could be solved by embedding the standard model in a theory of this kind with finite N. In order to check this claim one must find the conformal points of the theory. To do this we calculate the one-loop beta functions for the Yukawa and quartic scalar couplings. We find that with the beta functions set to zero the one-loop quadratic divergences are not canceled at sub-leading order in N; thus the hierarchy between the weak scale and the Planck scale is not stabilized unless N is of the order 10^28 or larger. We also find that at sub-leading orders in N renormalization induces new interactions, which were not present in the original Lagrangian.- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- supersymmetry
- gauge field theory: hierarchy
- orbifold
- renormalization group: beta function
- perturbation theory: higher-order