BKT phase transitions in two-dimensional systems with internal symmetries

Jun, 1999
17 pages
Report number:
  • LANDAU-01-06-97,

Citations per year

The Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type phase transitions in two-dimensional systems with internal abelian continuous symmetries are investigated. The necessary conditions for they can take place are: 1) conformal invariance of the kinetic part of the model action, 2) vacuum manifold must be degenerated with abelian discrete homotopy group pi_1. Then topological excitations have a logarithmically divergent energy and they can be described by effective field theories generalizing the two-dimensional euclidean sine-Gordon theory, which is an effective theory of the initial XY-model. In particular, the effective actions for the two-dimensional chiral models on maximal abelian tori T_G of simple compact groups G are found. Critical properties of possible effective theories are determined and it is shown that they are characterized by the Coxeter number h_G of lattices from the series A,D,E,Z and can be interpreted as those of conformal field theories with integer central charge C=n, where n is a rank of the groups pi_1 and G. A possibility of restoration of full symmetry group G in massive phase is also dicussed.
  • Extended version of talk presented at International Conference 'Renorm-Group-96', July 1996, Dubna, Russia
  • 18 pages, 1 figure, modernized version
  • talk: Dubna 1996/08/26
  • sigma model: nonlinear
  • dimension: 2
  • field equations: vortex
  • energy
  • charge: topological
  • partition function
  • duality
  • lattice field theory
  • critical phenomena
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