Low-energy string: An Aristotelian top?
Sep, 1999Citations per year
It is argued that a low energy string may be an Aristotelian top, i.e. a rigid body which however cannot be rotationally excited, but in an external electromagnetic field exhibits a sort of precession with a Larmor type angular velocity. On the basis of this observation a proposal is made for a new two steps derivation of the electroweak standard model from the string dynamics. In the first step a theory of Aristotelian top is formulated and studied in more detail and in the second step an attempt is made to derive the electroweak standard model from the top dynamics. Before the symmetry breaking fermions are represented by straight frozen strings - rotators, whose symmetry under the rotation around their axes is interpreted as the group . The emergence of group is somewhat less transparent and is supposed to be connected with the new degree of freedom of relativistic rotators, which leads to the up and down type fermions. The symmetry breaking is associated with the bending of the rotators under the influence of Higgs field and with their subsequent transformation into the curved frozen strings - tops. In this new picture of electroweak interaction the chirality of the theory has a simple and natural explanation, the weak isospin and hypercharge are inherent properties of relativistic rotators/tops and the superselection rule associated with electric charge is a consequence of the accepted distinction between up and down type fermions.- string model
- mechanics: classical
- quantum mechanics
- Hamiltonian formalism
- phase space