Conventional non-Abelian SO(4) gauge theory is able to describe gravity provided the gauge field possesses a specific polarized vacuum state in which the instantons have a preferred orientation. Their orientation plays the role of the order parameter for the polarized phase of the gauge field. The interaction of a weak and smooth gauge field with the polarized vacuum is described by an effective long-range action which is identical to the Hilbert action of general relativity. In the classical limit this action results in the Einstein equations of general relativity. Gravitons appear as the mode describing propagation of the gauge field which strongly interacts with the oriented instantons. The Newton gravitational constant describes the density of the considered phase of the gauge field. The radius of the instantons under consideration is comparable with the Planck radius.
  • 7 pages, Latex, sprocl style (sprocl.sty file attached) Journal-ref: Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory. Proceedings of the Workshop, Adelaide 1998. Eds. A.W.Schreiber, A.G.Williams and A.W.Thomas, pp.326-332
  • talk: Adelaide 1998/02/02
  • gravitation
  • gauge field theory: SO(4)
  • instanton: polarization
  • vacuum state
  • soliton
  • external field
  • effective action: long-range
  • Einstein equation
  • differential geometry