Higher su(N) tensor products
Feb, 2001Citations per year
We extend our recent results on ordinary su(N) tensor product multiplicities to higher su(N) tensor products. Particular emphasis is put on four-point couplings where the tensor product of four highest weight modules is considered. The number of times the singlet occurs in the decomposition is the associated multiplicity. In this framework, ordinary tensor products correspond to three-point couplings. As in that case, the four-point multiplicity may be expressed explicitly as a multiple sum measuring the discretised volume of a convex polytope. This description extends to higher-point couplings as well. We also address the problem of determining when a higher-point coupling exists, i.e., when the associated multiplicity is non-vanishing. The solution is a set of inequalities in the Dynkin labels.Note:
- 17 pages, LaTeX Subj-class: Mathematical Physics Journal-ref: J.Phys.A34(2001)7685-7699