Random walks on the braid group B(3) and magnetic translations in hyperbolic geometry
Mar, 2001Citations per year
We study random walks on the three-strand braid group , and in particular compute the drift, or average topological complexity of a random braid, as well as the probability of trivial entanglement. These results involve the study of magnetic random walks on hyperbolic graphs (hyperbolic Harper-Hofstadter problem), what enables to build a faithful representation of as generalized magnetic translation operators for the problem of a quantum particle on the hyperbolic plane.Note:
- 17 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Nuclear Physics B Subj-class: Mathematical Physics: Statistical Mechanics
- 02.50.Ga
- 03.65.Fd
- 02.20.Bb
- 02.20.Rt
- Braid groups
- Discrete magnetic Schrödinger operators
- Representation theory
- Hyperbolic geometry