Pseudosupersymmetric quantum mechanics and isospectral pseudoHermitian Hamiltonians

Mar, 2002
23 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 640 (2002) 419-434

Citations per year

We examine the properties and consequences of pseudo-supersymmetry for quantum systems admitting a pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We explore the Witten index of pseudo-supersymmetry and show that every pair of diagonalizable (not necessarily Hermitian) Hamiltonians with discrete spectra and real or complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues are isospectral and have identical degeneracy structure except perhaps for the zero eigenvalue if and only if they are pseudo-supersymmetric partners. This implies that pseudo-supersymmetry is the basic framework for generating non-Hermitian PT-symmetric and non-PT-symmetric Hamiltonians with a real spectrum via a Darboux transformation, and shows that every diagonalizable Hamiltonian H with a discrete spectrum and real or complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues may be factored as H=L^# L where L is a linear operator with pseudo-adjoint L^#. In particular, this factorization applies to PT-symmetric and Hermitian Hamiltonians. The nondegenerate two-level systems provide a class of Hamiltonians that are pseudo-Hermitian. We demonstrate the implications of our general results for this class in some detail.