Recursive fermion system in Cuntz algebra. 2. Endomorphism, automorphism and branching of representation

Jul, 2002
47 pages
Report number:
  • RIMS-1362

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0 Citations
Based on an embedding formula of the CAR algebra into the Cuntz algebra O2p{\mathcal O}_{2^p}, properties of the CAR algebra are studied in detail by restricting those of the Cuntz algebra. Various \ast-endomorphisms of the Cuntz algebra are explicitly constructed, and transcribed into those of the CAR algebra. In particular, a set of \ast-endomorphisms of the CAR algebra into its even subalgebra are constructed. According to branching formulae, which are obtained by composing representations and \ast-endomorphisms, it is shown that a KMS state of the CAR algebra is obtained through the above even-CAR endomorphisms from the Fock representation. A U(2p)U(2^p) action on O2p{\mathcal O}_{2^p} induces \ast-automorphisms of the CAR algebra, which are given by nonlinear transformations expressed in terms of polynomials in generators. It is shown that, among such \ast-automorphisms of the CAR algebra, there exists a family of one-parameter groups of \ast-automorphisms describing time evolutions of fermions, in which the particle number of the system changes by time while the Fock vacuum is kept invariant.
  • 47 pages, LaTeX Report-no: RIMS-1362 Subj-class: Mathematical Physics: Operator Algebras MSC-class: 81R15: 46L40
  • lattice field theory
  • operator: algebra
  • algebra: Cuntz
  • algebra: representation
  • perturbation theory
  • fermion: algebra