Noether currents and charges for Maxwell - like Lagrangians

Jul, 2003
20 pages
Published in:
  • J.Phys.A 36 (2003) 8867-8884

Citations per year

Hilbert-Noether theorem states that a current associated to diffeomorphism invariance of a Lagrangian vanishes on shell modulo a divergence of an arbitrary superpotential. Application of the Noether procedure to physical Lagrangians yields, however, meaningful (and measurable) currents. The well known solution to this ``paradox'' is to involve the variation of the metric tensor. Such procedure, for the field considered on a fixed (flat) background, is sophisticated logically (one need to introduce the variation of a fixed field) and formal. We analyze the Noether procedure for a generic diffeomorphism invariant pp-form field model. We show that the Noether current of the field considered on a variable background coincides with the current treated in a fixed geometry. Consistent description of the canonical energy-momentum current is possible only if the dynamics of the geometry (gravitation) is taken into account. However, even the ``truncated'' consideration yields the proper expression. We examine the examples of the free pp-form gauge field theory, the GR in the coframe representation and the metric-free electrodynamics. Although, the variation of a metric tensor is not acceptable in the latter case, the Noether procedure yields the proper result.
  • 20 pages, version to appear in Journal of Physics A Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
  • general relativity
  • gauge field theory: U(1)
  • current: conservation law
  • differential forms
  • invariance: diffeomorphism
  • vacuum state