Global anti-self-dual Yang-Mills fields in split signature and their scattering
May, 2005Citations per year
We consider solutions to the anti-self-dual Yang Mills (ASDYM) equations in split signature that are global on the double cover of the appropriate conformally compactified Minkowski space \widetilde\M. Ward's ASDYM twistor construction is adapted to this geometry by using a correspondence between points of \widetilde\M and holomorphic discs in \CP^3, twistor space, with boundary on the real slice \RP^3. A 1-1 correspondence is obtained between smooth global \U(n) solutions to the ASDYM equations on \widetilde\M and pairs consisting of an arbitrary holomorphic vector bundle over \CP^3 together with a smooth positive definite hermitian metric on E|_{\RP^3}. There are no topological or other restrictions on the bundle . The description generalises the result of the scattering transform for 1+1 dimensional integrable systems in which solutions are encoded into a combination of algebraic data, here , and a reflection coefficient, here H:\RP^3\to E\otimes\bar E. For trivial , the twistor data consists of the smooth Hermitian matrix function on \RP^3 up to constants: the correspondence then provides a nonlinear generalisation of the X-ray transform. Explicit examples are given with different topologies of . A scattering problem for ASDYM fields in split signature is set up and it is shown that sufficiently small data at past infinity uniquely determines data at future infinity by taking a family of holonomies followed by a sequence of two Birkhoff factorizations. The scattering map is simple on the holonomies, but non-trivial at the level of the connection in the non-abelian case.- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- duality
- space: S(2) x S(2)
- invariance: conformal
- fibre bundle
- twistor
- topology
- field equations: solution