Homogeneous spaces and Faddeev-Skyrme models

Aug, 2006
93 pages
  • Major David Auckly

Citations per year

We study geometric variational problems for a class of effective models in quantum field theory known as Faddeev-Skyrme models. Mathematically one considers minimizing an energy functional on homotopy classes of maps from closed 3-manifolds into homogeneous spaces of compact Lie groups. The energy minimizers known as Hopfions describe stable configurations of subatomic particles such as protons and their strong interactions. In particular, we introduce novel Sobolev spaces suitable for our variational problem and develop the notion of homotopy type for maps in such spaces that generalizes homotopy for smooth and continuous maps. This notion is based on defining a generalized Hopf invariant for Sobolev maps into homogeneous spaces that was previously known only for maps into S2S^2. Since the spaces in question are neither linear nor even convex we represent maps by gauge potentials that form a linear space and reformulate the problem in terms of these potentials. However, this representation of maps introduces some gauge ambiguity into the picture and we work out 'gauge calculus' for the principal bundles involved to apply the gauge-fixing techniques that eliminate the ambiguity. These bundles arise as pullbacks of the structure bundles H\hra G\to G/H of homogeneous spaces and we study their topology and geometry that are of independent interest. Our main results include proving existence of Hopfions as finite energy Sobolev maps in each (generalized) homotopy class when the target space is a symmetric space. For more general spaces we obtain a weaker result on existence of minimizers only in each 2-homotopy class.
  • Ph.D. Thesis (Advisor: Major Professor David Auckly)
  • thesis
  • Skyrme model
  • sigma model: nonlinear
  • dimension: 3
  • coset space
  • topology
  • energy
  • mathematical methods: variational
  • gauge field theory
  • bibliography