Connes' trace formula and dirac realization of Maxwell and Yang-Mills action
Oct, 1999Citations per year
The paper covers known facts about the Dixmier trace (with some generalities about traces), the Wodzicki residue, and Connes' trace theorem, including two variants of proof of the latter. Action formulas are treated very sketchy, because they were considered in other lectures of the workshop.Note:
- Extended version of a talk given at the workshop 'The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics from a Mathematical-Geometrical Viewpoint' held at the Ev.Luth. Volkshochschule Hesselberg near Gerolfingen, Germany, March 14-19, 1999, supported by the Volkswagenstiftung
- talk: Hesselberg 1999/03/14
- gauge field theory: U(1)
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- action
- differential geometry: noncommutative
- axiomatic field theory
- operator: algebra
- operator: Dirac
- mathematical methods