Classification of toric Fano 5-folds
Feb, 2007Citations per year
- [1]Toroidal Fano 3-folds
- V.V. Batyrev
- Math.USSR Izv. 19 (1982) 13
- [2]On the classification of smooth projective toric varieties
- V.V. Batyrev
- Tohoku Math.J. 43 (1991) 569
- [3]J. Algebr, Dual polyhedra and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in toric varieties Geom. 3 (1994), 493-535
- V.V. Batyrev
- [4]On Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric varieties. In: Higher dimensional complex varieties (Trento, Italy, 1994), 39- 65, Walter 1996
- V.V. Batyrev,
- L.A. Borisov
- [5]
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- Invent.Math. 126 (1996) 183
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- [6]On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds
- V.V. Batyrev
- J.Math.Sci. 94 (1999) 1021
- [7]Toric Fano varieties and birational morphisms
- C. Casagrande
- Int.Math.Res.Not. 27 (2003) 1473
- [8]The number of vertices of a Fano polytope
- C. Casagrande
- Annales Inst.Fourier 56 (2006) 121
- [9]Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry 2001
- O. Debarre
- [10]Fano varieties. In: Higher dimensional varieties and rational points (Budapest, 2001), 93-132 2003
- O. Debarre
- [11]On the classification of toric Fano varieties. Discr. Comp. Geom. 3 (1988), 49-54
- G. Ewald
- [12]Introduction to toric varieties. Princeton University Press 1993
- W. Fulton
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- Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 2 (1998) 853-871
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- Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 4 (2000) 1209-1230
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- Rev.Math.Phys. 14 (2002) 343-374
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- [17]package for analyzing lattice polytopes with applications to toric geometry. Computer Phys. Comm. 157 (2004), 87-106
- M. Kreuzer,
- H. Skarke,
- A. Palp
- [18]
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- J.Geom.Phys. 46 (2003) 159-173
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- [19]Linear systems on toric varieties
- R. Laterveer
- Tohoku Math.J. 48 (1996) 451
- [20]Extremal rays and Fano 3-folds. In: The Fano conference (Torino, Italy, 2002), 37-50, Torino 2004
- S. Mori,
- S. Mukai
- [21]Gorenstein toric Fano varieties
- B. Nill
- Manuscr.Math. 116 (2005) 183
- [22]Classification of terminal simplicial reflexive d-polytopes with 3d - 1 vertices, Preprint 2007
- M. Øbro
- e-Print:
- [23]An algorithm for the classification of smooth Fano polytopes, Preprint 2007
- M. Øbro
- e-Print:
- [24]Toward the classification of higher-dimensional Fano varieties
- H. Sato
- Tohoku Math.J. 52 (2000) 383
- [25]Ser. A, Smooth toric Fano five-folds of index two. Proc. Japan Acad 82 (2006), 106-110
- H. Sato