PU(2) monopoles and a conjecture of Marino-Moore-Peradze
Dec, 1998
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
In this article we show that some of the recent results of Marino, Moore, and Peradze (math.DG/9812042, hep-th/9812055) -- in particular their conjecture that all closed, smooth four-manifolds with b_2^+ > 1 (and Seiberg-Witten simple type) are of `superconformal simple type' -- can be understood using a simple mathematical argument via the PU(2)-monopole cobordism of Pidstrigach and Tyurin (dg-ga/9507004) and results of the first and third authors (dg-ga/9712005, dg-ga/9709022).Note:
- 13 pages, 1 figure. Improved exposition, typographical slips corrected, figure and references added. Minor correction on page 2. To appear in Mathematical Research Letters
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- supersymmetry
- Seiberg-Witten model
- magnetic monopole: PU(2)
- moduli space
- geometry: algebra