Liquid argon ionization detector for double beta decay studies

Sep, 2003
15 pages

Citations per year

A multisection liquid argon ionization detector was developed by the DBA collaboration to study the double beta- decay of 100^{100}Mo. The experiment was carried out in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy. The detector design and main characteristics are described. The ββ(2ν)\beta \beta (2\nu) decay of 100^{100}Mo was observed and its half-life measured: T1/2=[7.2±0.9(stat)±1.8(syst)]×1018T_{1/2}=[7.2 \pm 0.9(stat) \pm 1.8(syst)] \times 10^{18} yr. Limits on the 0ν\nu and 0νχ0\nu \chi ^{0} modes of the decay were obtained: T1/2>8.4(4.9)×1021T_{1/2}> 8.4(4.9) \times 10^{21} yr and T1/2>4.1(3.2)×1020T_{1/2}> 4.1(3.2)\times 10^{20} yr at 68% (90%) C.L., respectively. In addition the upper limits on the 42^{42}Ar content and 222^{222}Rn activity in liquid Ar were found to be 4.3×10214.3 \times 10^{-21} g/g and 1.2×1031.2 \times 10^{-3} Bq/kg, respectively.
  • 15 pages, 11 figures, 10 authors
  • molybdenum: double-beta decay
  • double-beta decay: (2neutrino)
  • double-beta decay: (0neutrino)
  • ionization chamber: liquid argon
  • argon: nuclide
  • radon: nuclide
  • radioactivity
  • Gran Sasso
  • experimental results