Correlation and finite interaction range effects in high-energy electron inclusive scattering
Jan, 2000
28 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.A 662 (2000) 175-203
- nucl-th/0001034 [nucl-th]
Report number:
Citations per year
We calculate cross sections of high energy electron inclusive scattering off nuclear matter in a new and consistent formulation based on the Green's function method with the Glauber approximation, which is an extension of our previous work on the nuclear transparency in (e, e'p) reaction. The comparison with other approaches is discussed. In this framework, we study the finite-range effect of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the final-state interactions, and the effect of the nuclear short-range correlation. We propose a zero-range approximation, which works well when correlation and finite interaction-range effects are included. It greatly reduces the numerical work, while maintaining a reasonable accuracy.- electron nucleon: inclusive reaction
- electron nucleus: inclusive reaction
- nuclear matter
- n-point function
- model: Glauber
- nucleon nucleon: potential
- final-state interaction
- potential: optical
- correlation function
- approximation: effective range