Particle multiplicities and thermalization in high-energy collisions

Jan, 2000
11 pages
Published in:
  • Int.J.Mod.Phys.E 12 (2003) 649-659
Report number:
  • MCGILL-00-04,
  • OITS-686

Citations per year

We investigate the conditions under which particle multiplicities in high energy collisions are Boltzmann distributed, as is the case for hadron production in e^+e^-, pp, p-pbar and heavy ion collisions. We show that the apparent temperature governing this distribution does not necessarily imply equilibrium (thermal or chemical) in the usual sense, as we explain. We discuss an explicit example using tree level amplitudes for N photon production in which a Boltzmann-like distribution is obtained without any equilibration. We argue that the failure of statistical techniques based on free particle ensembles may provide a signal for collective phenomena (such as large shifts in masses and widths of resonances) related to the QCD phase transition.
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • p p: inclusive reaction
  • anti-p p: inclusive reaction
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • hadron: multiple production
  • statistical mechanics
  • thermodynamics
  • multiplicity
  • particle: mass
  • temperature