Effective chiral theory of kaon nucleon scattering
Jan, 2000Citations per year
We apply the relativistic chiral SU(3) Lagrangian density to kaon-nucleon scattering imposing constraints from the pion-nucleon s- and p-wave threshold parameters at chiral order . The s and u channel decouplet baryon exchange is included explicitly and is found to play a crucial role in understanding the empirical s- and p-wave nuclear kaon dynamics quantitatively.- talk: Hirschegg 2000/01/16
- K- nucleon: elastic scattering
- K- nucleon: inelastic scattering
- effective Lagrangian: chiral
- symmetry: SU(3)
- baryon: exchange
- baryon: multiplet
- scattering amplitude: energy dependence
- channel cross section: momentum dependence
- differential cross section: angular dependence