Hydrodynamic analysis of noncentral Pb + Pb collisions at 158-A-GeV
Nov, 2000Citations per year
We analyze non-central heavy-ion collisions at the relativistic energy within a full (3+1) dimensional hydrodynamic model. First, the initial parameters in the hydrodynamic model are chosen so that we reproduce the experimental data of both the rapidity distribution and the slope of transverse mass distribution in central Pb + Pb collisions at 158 GeV at the CERN SPS. We next study the validity of the ansatz of wounded nucleon scaling for the initial condition of the hydrodynamic model through analysis of the rapidity distribution of negative pions in non-central collisions. Moreover, a simple Monte Carlo method is introduced to exactly calculate the particle distribution from resonance decays.- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- hydrodynamics
- pi: particle flow
- longitudinal
- rapidity dependence
- critical phenomena
- energy: density
- baryon: density
- mass spectrum: transverse
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