The Strange quark gluon plasma
Oct, 2000Citations per year
Strangeness flavor has turned out to be a very effective diagnostic tool of relativistic heavy ion physics. The absolute yield provides information about conditions arising in first instants of the interaction. Strange hadrons are abundant allowing a precise study of the chemical freeze-out conditions in the dense matter fireball. The thermal and chemical freeze-out universality seen in strange hadrons confirms sudden hadronization as the breakup mechanism. A plausible cause of sudden fireball breakup is the mechanical instability arising when a quark-gluon plasma phase supercools deeply in its adiabatic expansion. Applying these ideas, we interpret CERN-SPS and the first results on hadronic particle ratios obtained at RHINote:
- 36 pages, including 16 figures; Presented in October 2000 at the 6th International Workshop on Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics Tabatinga, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- talk: Caraguatatuba 2000/10/17
- scattering: heavy ion
- quark gluon: plasma
- quark: strangeness
- fireball
- temperature
- energy: density
- critical phenomena
- strange particle: hadroproduction
- mass: transverse