In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, in the 2 GeV<p<<p_\perp< 6 GeV transverse momentum region, the soft and semi-hard multiple scattering of the incoming nucleons in the nuclear medium results in the broadening of the expected hadronic (e.g. pion) pp_\perp spectra relative to proton-proton (pppp) collisions. Thus, higher transverse-momentum regions are populated than in pppp collisions. In a perturbative QCD based calculation we include the intrinsic transverse momentum (kk_\perp) of the partons in the nucleon (determined from pppp collisions), augmented by the extra broadening obtained via a systematic analysis of proton-nucleus (pApA) collisions in the energy range 17<s<<\sqrt{s}< 39 AGeV. The original polynomial spectra are modified, and a nearly exponential spectrum appears in the region 2p3.5\lesssim p_\perp\lesssim 3.5 GeV. At present RHIC energies (s=\sqrt{s}=130 AGeV), the slope of the calculated spectra is reminiscent of that of fluid-dynamical descriptions, but lacks any thermal origin. We determine and discuss the size of the modifications originating in multiple scattering, which lead to this state of affairs.
  • talk: Stony Brook 2001/01/15
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • gold
  • p p: interaction
  • p nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • transverse momentum: high
  • central region
  • meson: hadroproduction
  • multiple scattering
  • quantum chromodynamics