Isospin breaking in neutron beta decay and SU(3) violation in semileptonic hyperon decays

May, 2001
6 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 64 (2001) 028201

Citations per year

Present precision measurements of the neutron life time lead to a CKM matrix element Vud|V_{ud}| which is three standard deviations off the value inferred from heavy quark decays etc. We investigate the possibility whether isospin-breaking effects in the neutron-to-proton vector current transition matrix element <pV0+n>=1+δgV< p|V^+_0|n >=1+\delta g_V could eventually close this gap. For that we calculate in chiral perturbation theory the effect of pion and kaon loops on the matrix element <pV0+n>< p|V^+_0|n > taking into account the mass differences of the charged and neutral mesons. We find a negligibly small isospin-breaking effect of δgV4105\delta g_V \simeq -4 \cdot 10^{-5}. The crucial quantity in the analysis of neutron beta-decay precision measurements is thus the radiative correction term ΔR\Delta_R. Furthermore, we calculate in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory the SU(3) breaking effects on the vector transition charges of weak semi-leptonic hyperon decays. We find for these quantities channel-dependent relative deviations from the SU(3) limit which range from -10% to +1+1%.
  • n: semileptonic decay
  • isospin: violation
  • current: vector
  • hyperon: semileptonic decay
  • symmetry breaking: SU(3)
  • perturbation theory: chiral
  • Feynman graph: higher-order
  • meson: mass difference
  • radiative correction
  • numerical calculations