The s-wave meson-baryon interaction is studied using the lowest-order chiral Lagrangian in a unitary coupled-channels Bethe-Salpeter equation. In the strangeness S=1S=-1 sector the low-energy KpK^- p dynamics leads to the dynamical generation of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) as a KˉN{\bar K}N state, along with a good description of the KpK^- p scattering observables. At higher energies, the Λ(1670)\Lambda(1670) is also found to be generated dynamically as a KΞK \Xi quasibound state for the first time. For strangeness S=0, it is the S11(1535)S_{11}(1535) resonance that emerges from the coupled-channels equations, leading to a satisfactory description of meson-baryon scattering observables in the energy region around the S11(1535)S_{11}(1535). We speculate on the possible dynamical generation of Ξ\Xi resonances within the chiral S=2S=-2 sector as KˉΛ{\bar K} \Lambda or KˉΣ{\bar K} \Sigma quasibound states.
  • 8 pages, 5 figures, Talk given at NSTAR2001, Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons, Mainz (Germany), March 7-10, to be published in World Scientific
  • talk: Mainz 2001/03/07
  • meson baryon: interaction
  • partial wave
  • coupled channel
  • effective Lagrangian: chiral
  • scattering amplitude
  • baryon resonance
  • Lambda(1405)
  • Lambda(1670)
  • Lambda(1690)