Diomega production in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Jul, 2001Citations per year
Using a multiphase transport model, we study the production of a new strange dibaryon (\Omega\Omega)_{0+} in dense hadronic matter formed in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The (multi-)strange baryons (\Xi and \Omega) are produced by strangeness-exchange reactions between antikaons and hyperons in the pure hadronic phase. The rescattering between the omegas at midrapidity leads to a production probability of \simeq 3x10^{-7} (\Omega\Omega)_{0+} per event at the RHIC energy of \sqrt s=130A GeV. The production probability would be enhanced by two orders of magnitude if (\Omega\Omega)_{0+} and omega reach chemical equilibrium during heavy ion collisions. We further find that the yield of (\Omega\Omega)_{0+} increases continuously from SPS to the highest RHIC energy.Note:
- 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figs included
- 24.10.Lx
- 14.20.Pt
- 25.75.-q
- scattering: heavy ion
- gold
- hyperon: hadroproduction
- Omega-: pair production
- baryon resonance: dibaryon
- transport theory
- final-state interaction