Two pion photoproduction on nucleons and nuclei in the rho and sigma regions

Dec, 2001
19 pages
Contribution to:
Report number:
  • FTUV-01-1212,
  • IFIC-01-1212

Citations per year

In this talk we report on two physical processes, the photoproduction of ρ\rho mesons in nuclei and the π0π0\pi^0 \pi^0 photoproduction in nuclei at low energies. In the first case the aim is to observe experimentally the theoretically predicted changes on the ρ\rho properties in the nuclear medium. In the second case one wishes to investigate the modifications of the ππ\pi \pi interaction in the nuclear medium in the region of the σ\sigma meson. In the first case we observe that it is quite difficult to see large effects due to the ρ\rho modification in the medium because the detection of the ρ\rho is done through the two pions which are produced in the Δ\Delta region and are largely distorted in the medium. In the second case, when the I=0 part of the ππ\pi \pi interaction is substituted by the in medium ππ\pi \pi amplitude, we observe a very large shift of strength in the invariant mass distribution to small values of the mass in 12C^{12}C and 208Pb^{208}Pb with respect to the distribution of the elementary reaction. This spectacular shift appears to be corroborated by recent experiments at Mainz reported in this same Workshop.
  • 16 pags., 19 figs., Contribution to the Workshop on chiral fluctuations in hadronic matter, Orsay, Sep. 2001 Report-no: FTUV-01-1212, IFIC-01-1212
  • talk: Orsay 2001/09/26
  • photon nucleon: exclusive reaction
  • photon nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • pi: pair production
  • rho(770)
  • f0(600)
  • Feynman graph
  • mass spectrum: (2pi)
  • pi pi: interaction
  • perturbation theory: chiral